ciutat[s] possible[s]


The cycle of conversations about the possibilities of the city of the future


From Coboi lab we have designed a series of conversations about the possibilities of the city of the future. The pandemic has led us to question, among other things, the model of the metropolis where we want to live, that is, what should the post-covid city look like? In the city, we will talk about new ways of co-designing the city with different actors and about alternatives to deal with emerging urban issues: housing, the ecological transition, and public space.


This cycle has two readings: possible city and Possible Cities, because we want to provide plurality, with a different and alternative look to the known and that does not work, so that everyone can bring it to its reality – Sergi Frías



 Session 1  Participatory urbanism

How do we design urban transformation processes in a participatory way?
More information here.


 Session 2  Youngsters designing the city

Young people will live in the city of the future; what role should they play in designing it in the present?
More information here.


 Session 3  New housing models

What [new] models and instruments can city councils use in securing the right to housing?
More information here.


 Session 4  Climate emergency

What would it be like to have a city that has managed to cope with the climate emergency? If we could create a neighborhood from scratch, what would we do differently?
More information here.


With the support of:




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