Healty business model


A healthy business model for Sant Boi

“Empresa saludable” program aims to address the challenge of getting the traditional company oriented towards the new business model of the future, with social values ​​and a human resources policy oriented towards the health of the organization. The three main axes of this project are the following: (1) awareness of healthy habits, (2) active listening and bottom-up approach, and (3) recognition, visibility and relational capacity.

Different companies in Sant Boi de Llobregat, along with other business and academic organizations in the territory, have participated in different meetings and activities that have been carried out at Coboi Lab to jointly devise a pilot test to help drive healthier habits to organizations.

In this process, different perspectives have been taken into account, both for those responsible for these programs and for the workers themselves. An example is the Hackathon that took place on November 6, 2019 to answer the following question: How can we motivate and involve workers in healthy business programs to improve their physical, emotional and mental state?

“Empresa saludable” program is a project promoted by the City Council of Sant Boi de Llobregat, led by the Unit of Attention to the Company and the Entrepreneurship and with the support of the public laboratory of social innovation, Coboi lab.

This action is subsidized by the Public Employment Service of Catalonia under the Local Development Support Programs.

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