PECT Innodelta

2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Innodelta: Territorio Laboratorio para la sostenibilidad ambiental, social y económica del tejido industrial.


Background and main challenge

In a globalized world, the power and influence of the great poles of innovation generates for the rest of the agents (political, business, cultural, etc.) the need to organize themselves in a network and to collaborate, creating alternative and often specialized nodes. Forming part of the local, regional and global innovation ecosystem does not happen without the will to be present or without providing the necessary means. The alternative is the loss of influence and ability to intervene in the economic and social evolution of the environment. The case of the Delta del Llobregat is especially sensitive to these dynamics due to the influence of Barcelona city, as well as the rapid evolution of the innovation system linked to the industrial sector, with the impacts on the population and the territory. For all these reasons, it is necessary for the Delta del Llobregat to become a benchmark in the innovation ecosystem and, therefore, to favor the generation of competitive scenarios, with an increase in the capacity to attract investment and generate economic activity from its own endogenous potentialities.



The main objective of this PECT is to increase the competitiveness of the Delta del Llobregat. In this sense, we understand that the territorial competitiveness of the Delta del Llobregat implies offering an attractive and sustainable environment so that companies and neighbors can live and work. This definition therefore balances the objectives of business success with those of social welfare, because sustainability is related to the capacity that we have as a territory to offer this attractive environment, not only in the short term but also in the long term. And improving competitiveness requires a coordinated effort by different actors. In this line, different municipalities and institutions of the Llobregat Delta are strategically associated to design and implement the PECT InnoDelta project:

  1. Viladecans
  2. Sant Boi de Llobregat
  3. Gavà
  4. El Prat del Llobregat
  5. Castelldefels
  6. Bosh i Gimperà Foundation (FBG)
  7. Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO)
  8. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)


Expected results

In the short term, the aim is to boost economic, social and innovation activity through structured operations in three large projects:

  • Plataforma Delta Conocimiento, which will allow us to collect, compile and analyze strategic data to diagnose and facilitate decision-making at the Delta del Llobregat scale. A correct diagnosis based on the evidence provided by the Platform will make it easier for us to identify joint challenges as a territory and raise them in the Delta Labs Network to find possible solutions to implement.
  • Red Delta Labs, which is made up of various specialized labs that will allow working on the challenges, not only with the transversality of 4H but also from the perspective of specialization (logistics and mobility, technology, social and ecological), a specialization that responds to the strengths and experience of each city. These labs act as a motor for knowledge and innovation that can later be materialized and implemented in the territory thanks to the Delta Emprende Platform.
  • Plataforma Delta Emprende. This is designed to promote technology-based and specialized entrepreneurship in the fields of photonics and advanced manufacturing applied mainly to agri-food industries, industrial systems and cultural and experience-based industries (sports and tourism), in turn it will be able to incubate and accelerate those projects devised in the different labs. Proof of this PECT’s desire for continuity and sustainability over time is that in the medium term, the Delta Knowledge Platform will not only help us make an initial diagnosis, but will also help us evaluate the impact of the solutions devised labs and offer industrial locations to accelerated companies in the Delta Empren Platform, improving talent retention, specialization and clustering of our business network.

PECT will contribute to consolidate the Delta del Llobregat node in the Catalan innovation ecosystem as a whole. Because we are aware that to solve the challenges of our territory, business and technological innovation are not enough, we must also incorporate social innovation. In the longer term, the aim is to achieve the consolidation of a shared governance system between municipalities and knowledge and innovation agents that guarantees the continuity of territorial strategic action, which will be consolidated and promoted thanks to the PECT InnoDelta.

>> Operación Delta Social Coboi lab <<

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Co-financed by:GeneralitatFeder

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