

The Coboi Lab Residences are stays in the Coboi Lab space for between 1 week and 12 months for individuals or groups who want to develop an initiative with a vocation for impact on the territory. As well as having a temporary work space to develop their initiative, they share experiences with the rest of the residents and the Coboi lab community, as well as participate in solving social problems in the city.

This call is aimed at people or groups of any kind who want to develop their initiative with impact on the territory. People with different initiatives: research, academia, business, etc. can be eligible as residents. They can also be in different phases (ideation, development, growth, etc.). What counts is the ideas, the energy, the entrepreneurial attitude and the will and the desire to contribute.

The distinguishing feature of these residences is that, during their duration, resident initiatives will enjoy a public workspace in a creative and collaborative environment, while also participating in working city challenges. from Coboi lab.

The main services that resident initiatives will enjoy are the following:

-Flexible, temporary workspace in the Coboi lab co-working room.
-Meeting spaces and activities of different types and dimensions.
-Connect with other residents and the Coboi lab community.
-Group support throughout the residency on issues of shared interest.
-Lab space where you can prototype and test ideas.
-Internal activities agenda for resident initiatives (co-tuppers, exchanges)
of knowledge, etc.)
-Agenda of activities related to the city challenges in which the initiatives
residents can participate.
-Regular meetings with the Coboi lab team to facilitate the course of the residency.

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