2017 - 2020
En marxa
2 minuts

Coboi lab is co-designing a future regional digital social  innovation lab in Catalonia

The Catlabs network is part of the Catlabs program approved by the catalonian government in 2016, it opens the possibilities to generate a structure that gathers the efforts done by different institutions to boost the innovation ecosystem of Catalonia as well as the quadruple helix collaboration model.  

This network is build by different institutions that are engaged with digital social innovation and other collaborative methods to create innovation.  The network connects and allows different organizations to work together to build a prototype of an ecosystem of open innovation in the region.     

Coboi lab has participated in this network since the first Innovation camp of Catlabs in June, 2017. The network was initiated to probe the potentiality and the possibilities that the innovation camp methodology has for Catalonia. That methodology is promoted by the European Commision as the main tool to boost open, social and collaborative  innovation, it has the objective of tackling socioeconomic challenges collectively, with public administrations, companies, knowledge institutions and citizenship working together to create solutions to complex problems. The Innovation Camp Methodology is based on inclusive practices to create innovation in the region. 

Since the first meeting in 2017, the network has been in process of consolidation. Now, the first ten stakeholders, representants of their own networks have been working on a bottom-up approach to co-create the network. Since November, 2019 different actors have been working together to share knowledge and to understand the state of the different initiatives that are part of the network to detect common needs and objectives. The main aim of this project is to design a collaborative catalan model for a lab with it’s own methodology. 


Web de Catlabs



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