Policy Recomendations & Commons

5 minuts

Policy conclusions and outputs of the project Cultural Creative Spaces and Cities (CCSC) a project in which Coboi lab has been participating for two years.

The Co-designing Our Cities Conference marks the culmination of a 2.5 year experimental project which has developed new ways for cities and regions to bring together the public administration and the cultural sector to co-create public policies. Cultural Creative Spaces and Cities (CCSC) shows that culture and commoning practices can transform neighbourhoods and cities into more sustainable places, catalysing better lives for their communities.

During this two-day digital event, we present the policy conclusions and outputs of the entire project. Brought together by a consortium of ten forward-looking organisations, dozens of stakeholders across Europe have been exploring how participatory governance and commoning practices can devise a more sustainable future for Europe.

In just 17 hours, we welcomed over 350 online participants during each of the two days and heard from 45+ inspiring speakers and workshop facilitators.

A range of conversations exploring important topics took place; including the learnings of the Urban Labs journeys, to income to enable grassroots participation, as well as a closing discussion on how the public administration at different levels in the European Union is implementing and encouraging participatory governance.

Some of the main Outputs of the CCSC project were also presented for the first time, including the launch of the book “Commons.Between Dreams and Reality, the publication “Policy Analysis and Recommendations” and the Online Toolkit

Commons. Between Dreams and Reality

The book Commons. Between Dreams and Reality addresses how cooperation and collective actions might influence political and economic realities. At its core, it focuses on the practical life of commons and commoning practices, their factors of growth and transformative potential, as well as on the challenges and contradictions which they face. The book examines the commons in relationship with their local environment and how they can become a tool for the economic sustainability of culture. The aim is to articulate an analysis and look at how commons are addressed by institutions and communities in policy-making and everyday practices.

Authors: Ana Sofia Acosta Alvarado, Marcela Arreaga, Michel Bauwens, Michele Bee, Marjolein Cremer, Margherita D’Andrea, Sofia de Juan, Maria Francesca De Tullio, Sergi Frías Hernández, Pascal Gielen, Hablarenarte, Giuseppe Micciarelli, José Rodríguez, Will Ruddick, Evi Swinnen, Violante Torre, Laure-Anne Vermaercke.

Publisher: Creative Industry Košice, 2020.


Policy Analysis and Recommendations

This report is the outcome of the Cultural and Creative Cities (CCSC) project, which is a policy project co-funded by the Crea – tive Europe programme of the European Union and managed by a consortium of eleven non-profit and public organisations. Seven Urban Labs based in seven European cities form the core of the project. Bringing together non-governmental cultural organisa – tions and local/regional authorities, they address local challenges and find participatory and commoning solutions to them.

Authors: Marjolein Cremer (Senior Advocacy Officer, European Cultural Foundation), Maria Francesca De Tullio (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Antwerp), Pascal Gielen (Professor of Sociology of Culture& Politics, University of Antwerp), Violante Torre (Policy Officer, European Cultural Foundation)

Contributors: Marcela Arreaga (partner at Holon) and Markel Cormenzana (partner at Holon), Sergi Frías (Lab manager, CoboiLab)

Publisher: Creative Industry Košice, 2021


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